Senin, 21 Desember 2009

Jason Mraz - Geek In The Pink Lyrics

Well, let the geek in the pink take a stab at it
If you like the way I'm thinkin' baby wink at it
I may be skinny at times but I'm fat fulla rhymes
Pass me the mic and I'm a grab at it
Well, isn't it delicious, crazy way that I'm kissin'
'Cause baby listen to this, don't wanna miss it while it's hittin'
Sometimes you gotta fit in to get in
But don't ever quit cause soon I'm gonna let you in but see

I don't care what she might think about me
You can vibe without me if you want
I could be the one to take her home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be a let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you out
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge me by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away

Like the geek in the pink
Like the geek in the pink, pink, pink
The geek in the pink, yeah

Well this relationship fodder don't mean to bother nobody
But Cupid's automatic musta fired multiple shots at her
Because she fall in love too often that's what the matter
At least I talk about it keep a pattern of flattery and
She was starin' through the doorframe
Eyeing me down like already a bad boyfriend
Well she can get her toys outta the drawer then
Cause I ain't comin' home I don't need that attention, see

I don't care what she might think about me
You'll get by without me if she wants
I could be the one to take her home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be the let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you out
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away

Hey baby look at me go
From zero to hero
You better take it from a geek like me
I can save you from unoriginal dum-dums
Who wouldn't care if you com...plete him or not

So what I've got a short attention span
A coke in my hand
Because I'd rather have the afternoon, relax and understand
My hip hop and flip-flops it don't stop with the light rock
A shot to mock you kinda puts me in the tight spot
The hype is nothing more than hoo-ha so I'm
Developing a language and I'm callin' it my own
So take a peek into the speaker and you'll see what I mean
That on the other side the grass is greener

I don't care what she might think about me
You'll get by without me if you want
I could be the one to take you/her home
Baby we could rock the night alone
If we never get down it wouldn't be the let down
But sugar don't forget what you already know
I could be the one to turn you out/on
We could be the talk across the town
Don't judge it by the color, confuse it for another
You might regret what you let slip away

Like the geek in the pink
Well, I'm the geek in the pink, yo pink pink
Geek is the color for fall, I'm the geek in the pink yeah
So I'm the geek yo, in the pink yo.
Hahah, y'all geek is the new color for fall
I'm the geek in the pink

Jason Mraz - I'am Yours

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you’re so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks
and now I’m trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I’ll be giving it my bestest
Nothing’s going to stop me but divine intervention
I reckon its again my turn to win some or learn some
*courtesy of
I won’t hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I’m yours

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you’re free
Look into your heart and you’ll find love love love
Listen to the music of the moment maybe sing with me
Ah, la peaceful melodys
It’s your God-forsaken right to be loved love loved love love

So I won’t hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I’m sure
There’s no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I’m yours

I’ve been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and laughed
I guess what I’m saying is there ain’t no better reason
To rid yourself of vanity and just go with the seasons
It’s what we aim to do
Our name is our virtue

I won’t hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I’m sure
There’s no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I’m yours

Well no no, well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you’re free
Look into your heart and you’ll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment come and dance with me
ah, la one big family (2nd time: ah, la happy family)
It’s your God-forsaken right to be loved love love love

I won’t hesitate no more
Oh no more no more no more
It’s your God-forsaken right to be loved, I’m sure
Theres no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I’m yours

No I won’t hesitate no more, no more
This cannot wait I’m sure
There’s no need to complicate
Our time is short
This is our fate, I’m yours, I’m yours

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

Tentang dia yang sangat aku cintai.... ^_^

Dia hobby bgt maen catur.... ampek saking hobbynya klo lagi maen catur bisa lupa semuanya, lupa maem, lupa waktu, tapi yang paling gag aku suka klo pas sampek lupa ma aku.... Huhft...!!!! *_*

Dia salah satu orang yang ngefans bgt ma warna putih.... beda ma aku yang seneng ma warna item, heheheheeeee.... tapi aku sayang bgt ma dia... love u honey... ^_^

dia tuh gag bisa berpose klo lagi poto... huh...!!!! dataaaar gitu ekspresinya....

Dia suka ma tempat yang sejuk dan hijau.... seperti daerah pegunungan, klo aku sukanya ma pantai.... tapi sejak ma aku dia jadi ikut2an suka ma pantai juga... heheheeeee... ^_^

dan masih banyak hal lainnya lagi.... tapi gag mo aku ceritain ma orang lain ah biar aku ja yang tau selebihnya.... ^_^

Aku selalu berdoa untuknya agar dia selalu sehat dan berhasil disetiap langkah hidupnya.... Amiiiiiiiiiiiiiin...

Love U cinta....

Kangen neh ma sayangnya.... kangeeeeeeeeeeeeeen bgt....!!!!

Resep membuat Brownies karamel hmmmm.... nyummy... ^_^


150 gram margarin

2 butir telur

125 gram madu

4 sendok makan air

125 gram gula palem

200 gram tepung terigu

1/2 sendok teh baking powder

125 gram cokelat masak, dicairkan


30 gram mentega

2 sendok makan sirup vanili

400 ml susu cair


100 gram cokelat masak, dicairkan

25 gram margarin cair


1. Kocok margarin, gula palem, dan telur. Setelah lembut, masukkan madu, air, cokelat masak. Sisihkan. Ayak tepung dan baking.
2. Masukkan ke dalam adonan bersama cokelat masak. Aduk lalu tuang ke cetakan. Oven hingga matang.
3. Masak campuran bahan toping I sambil diaduk hingga kecokelatan dan membentuk karamel (kurang lebih 30 menit) lalu siram ke atas kue.
4. Campur margarin cair dan cokelat masak cair (bahan toping II). Siram di atas toping I. Gunakan tusuk gigi untuk membentuk marmer. Dinginkan lalu potong-potong.

Untuk 20 potong

resep membuat

Resep membuat Brownies panggang


120 g tepung terigu

200 g margarin

3 butir telur, kocok hingga mengembang

200 g dark cooking chocolate, potong-potong

150 g gula pasir halus/gula bubuk

60 g potongan kacang almond/kenari

¼ sdt garam halus

Cara Membuat:

1. Campur tepung terigu dengan gula halus, aduk rata. sisihkan.

2. Panaskan margarine hingga meleleh. Masukkan potongan cokelat, dan garam, aduk hingga cokelat meleleh. Angkat, dinginkan hingga hangat.

2. Di tempat terpisah, kocok telur menggunakan mixer hingga mengembang. Masukkan campuran tepung terigu dan gula halus ke dalam kocokan telur sedikit demi sedikit sambil diaduk dengan spatula plastik hingga rata.

3. Tuang margarin, cokelat dan gula yang telah dilelehkan ke dalam adonan telur. aduk rata. Tambahkan potongan kacang almond/kenari. Aduk rata. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang yang sudah dialas dengan kertas roti dan diolesi margarin, ratakan. Taburi atasnya dengan irisan kacang almond.

4. Panggang di dalam oven bertemperatur 170 derajat celcius selama 45 menit atau hingga kue matang. Angkat. Potong-potong. atur di dalam piring saji, hidangkan.

Untuk 12 potong


Warna kue brownies yang cokelat susah untuk mengetahui apakah kue sudah matang atau belum. Caranya dengan menusuk kue dengan lidi/kawat. Jika lidi diangkat sudah tidak ada adonan yang menempel/kering berarti kue sudah matang.

Jangan melelehkan cokelat terlalu lama karena tekstur akan mengeras dan bergumpal.

01 Juli 2007

Saat pertama kali kita jalani semuanya. Awal yang hambar tapi penuh arti. Dimana saat itu aku tidak tau apa-apa tentang orang yang berjalan disampingku kini. orang yang tiba-tiba muncul dan mulai mengisi hari-hariku. Aneh ya....????

Tapi itulah kenyataannya, aku sendiri juga tak mengerti, apa kau mengerti...??? Aku yakin kau juga tak paham dengan semua ini.

Menurutnya semua ini berawal dari sebuah konsekwensi (konsekwensi apa itu? aku tak tau...) Orang yang tidak asing tetapi baru. Ribet yaaa...? ^_^ Tapi yaaach begitulah..!!!

Aku tidak tau apa yang telah aku lakukan dengan semua ini. Aku seperti mengikuti ungkapan hati yang tak terdengar. berusaha menentramkan hati yang terluka. Aku hanya ingin bahagia tanpa ada lagi luka. Apa aku salah...???


Ku tanya pada sang bayu
Kabar apa yang kau bawa
Duka, bahagia, atau lebih sengsara...
Ku tunggu dan ku nanti
Fajar tersenyum malu
Mungkin ia menanti sesuatu...

Kemilau senja di barat sana
Memanggil hati nan lagi sepi
Masihkah ada cinta disana...???
Wajahmu kian membayangi kalbu
Bercanda, Tersenyum, Menggoda rindu...

Hai Rembulan...
kau disebut dewi malam
Ketuklah pintu hatinya
Sampaikan rinduku
Ucapkan padanya...
"Aku Cinta Dia..."


Permulaan cinta adalah membiarkan orang yang kamu cintai menjadi dirinya sendiri,,,

Dan tidak mengubahnya menjadi gambaran yang engkau inginkan...

Jika tidak, kamu hanya mencintai pantulan diri sendiri yang kau temukan di dalam dirinya...

Dia berkata padaku suatu ketika....

"Aku kan lakukan apa yang ibuku minta padaku.... tapi satu hal yang tidak bisa aku lakukan apa yang dia minta yaitu apabila dia memintaku untuk meninggalkanmu..."